Tackling Challenges & Opportunities in Your Organization

Andrew Surmani
3 min readMar 9, 2021

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” — Albert Einstein

When companies continue to discuss a challenge over and over again, the root causes of the issue are often not addressed, and the most important challenges are not prioritized and tackled. Input is not solicited from the employees who are directly involved in the problem. Some parties come to the discussion just to complain about the problems, without offering any real solutions. Once the management team leaves the meeting after the discussion, the challenge will still exist with no resolution in sight. And that’s just one of the many challenges the company may have. Multiply that by the numerous other issues that a company faces and management begins to see that they are treading water without moving forward.

The only way to change this self-defeating process is to change how these problems are addressed. The most important thing is to define and prioritize the biggest challenges that the company is facing at any particular time then start attacking them one at a time. In addressing one, you have to find the root cause, otherwise you are only treating the symptoms. This seems like an easy strategy, but it is one of the hardest things for a management team to accomplish. And, quite often, the simple reason is office…



Andrew Surmani

CEO & President at Surmani Business Coaching (www.surmanibusinesscoaching.com). CEO at Caleb Chapman’s Soundhouse. Associate Professor at CSUN.